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Club Constitution
This declaration of constitution is made:
The 17th day of June 2017 by
i. Rachel Campbell
ii. Vanessa Pilkington
iii. Alison Caldwell

The club constituted by this constitution (“the club”) and its property (“the club fund”) shall be administered and managed by the trustees and officers under the name of
which may be abbreviated to “ACCRINGTON WILDCATS ARLFC” or by such other name as the officers of the club from time to time may decide.
The club shall be affiliated to such organisations as the committee deems necessary for the good of the club and to advance its objectives in a not for profit manner.
The trustees and officers shall hold the club’s fund and its income upon trust to apply them for the following objectives (“the objectives”)
The aims and objectives of the club will be:
•To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Rugby League and rugby league based sports.
•To provide facilities for and promote the club and participation in the sport of rugby league within the local and wider communities.
•To manage any facilities for which the club takes on a legal responsibility to manage.
•To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
•To provide all its services in an equitable way to everyone.
•To ensure all its present & future members receive equitable treatment.
Membership shall consist of officers and members of the club.
Membership is open to the whole community on an equitable basis.
All members will be subject to the governing rules (this constitution) and all associated regulations & codes of conduct. By joining the club, members will be deemed to accept all rules, regulations and codes of conduct adopted by the club.

Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories:
•Full member
•Junior member
•Life member
•Parent member - to carry the vote of a junior member.
Only those members who are aged 18 and over shall carry a vote on AGM & EGM motions/proposals.
Membership fees will be set annually and agreed by the committee or determined at the Annual General Meeting.
Fees will be paid by monthly subscription (via direct debit or standing order where ever possible).
A ‘hardship fund’ shall be established by the committee to assist in the case of those members whose circumstances may genuinely prevent them from meeting the agreed fees.
The Club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote.

5)Officers of the club & the club committee.
The committee shall contain a minimum of four officers. No person shall hold more than 1 of these positions within the club at any 1 time.
The committee shall meet on a monthly basis at a time and venue to be decided by the committee at the previous months meeting.
The officers of the club have a duty to discharge their office in a manner befitting such.
If a vacancy occurs the officers shall note the fact in their minutes at the next committee meeting. Any eligible officer may be re-appointed. So long as there shall be fewer than 4 officers none of the powers or discretions hereby or by law vested in the officers shall be exercisable except for the purpose of election of a new officer or officers by the committee. Any members elected at a committee meeting may stand in that post until such a time that the position can be ratified by the members at the earliest possible AGM/EGM.

The committee shall consist of:
1. A minimum of 4 officers,;
2. Members who are elected onto the committee to fulfil an official role;
These may include but is not limited to such roles as:
o club welfare officer;
o head coach;
o press relations & marketing officer;
o volunteer coordinator;
o fixtures secretary;
o registrations secretary;
o equity officer.
3. At least 1 representative from each team’s staff.

A full list of officers, elected committee members and nominated committee members shall be listed in the clubs structure document. See appendix 1.

The committee shall be responsible for performing (or delegating) the following duties:
• managing the affairs of the club;
• adopting new policies;
• appointing sub committees as necessary;
• conducting disciplinary hearings;
• taking action against any member found to have contravened the rules, regulations and codes of conduct of the club
A maximum number of committee members may be introduced at such time as the officers deem it necessary to do so.
For voting purposes at committee meetings, a quorum will be deemed to exist if a minimum of 50% of the committee membership is in attendance. This must include at least 50% of the officers.
Matters put before the committee (or any sub committees) shall be decided by majority vote of the committee (or sub committee) members present and voting on that subject.
The minimum officers of the club shall be:
The chairman shall preside at all committee meetings, maintain order and ensure the meetings and workings of the club run smoothly. If the chairman is not present within ten minutes after the time appointed for holding a meeting or there is no chairman, the members present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.
The chairman shall lead the club in whatever direction they believe best serves the objectives as laid out in clause 3 and shall be responsible for such.
The chairman shall offer advice to any member requesting it or on any matter concerning the club which the chairman feels is pertinent.
The chairman shall take all reasonable steps to enforce strict observance to the rules governing all members of the club.
The chairman shall work in partnership with all officers of the club and should be afforded access at reasonable notice to any documentation requested regarding the club (accounts, correspondance, funding applications, etc.)
The treasurer shall keep accurate accounts and be responsible for all money / transactions relating to the club.
The treasurer shall ensure all invoices are paid and all monies owing are collected in accordance with the committee’s decisions.
Any bank account in which any part of the club fund is deposited shall be operated by the treasurer and shall be held in the name of the club. All cheques and orders for the payment of money from such account shall be signed by at least two officers.
The treasurer may pay money into or withdraw money out of the group bank account in order to enable them to discharge their duties and must keep records of this.
The treasurer may keep a small amount of cash in hand in order to pay for smaller sundries and must keep records of these transactions.
The treasurer shall report the financial situation of the club at every committee meeting and produce an annual statement of accounts for the auditors.

The secretary shall keep an up to date, accurate register of the name and other details of every member of the club.
The secretary shall keep (or cause to be kept) minutes to record all transactions and resolutions of the clubs committee meetings and sub committee meetings.
The secretary shall conduct all correspondence and supply the clubs members with all relevant and necessary information.
(4)Club Welfare Officer
The club welfare officer shall ensure the RFL safeguarding of children policy is implemented at all times and be the first point of contact for concerns about poor practice or possible abuse.
The club welfare officer shall ensure the adherence of the RFL Child Protection Policy, procedures and guidelines.
The club welfare officer shall liase with the RFL Child Protection Officer.

All officers’ posts shall be offered for election on an annual basis at the clubs AGM.
All members elected to the committee to fulfil an official role whose position warrants such shall be offered for election on an annual basis at the clubs AGM.
All officers & members elected to the committee to fulfil an official role are eligible to stand for re election.
Each candidate must be proposed and seconded. The position will then be decided by majority vote amongst the members present at the meeting.
Should any officer fail to attend 3 meetings within a 12 month period without forwarding satisfactory apologies, the committee may (at their discretion) declare that position vacant.

6)Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The club shall hold an Annnual General Meeting (AGM) every year in the month of January.
Not less than 21 days notice of this meeting shall be given to all members by the secretary of the club. This notice shall include a list of all positions open for election.
Each officers position shall be open for election at the AGM.
Intention to stand for re election or contest a position should be forwarded to the secretary to be received by such not less than 10 days prior to the AGM.
Each candidate must be nominated and seconded.
Any candidate having expressed an interest to stand for election who is not nominated and seconded before the commencement of the meeting shall have their name removed from the vote.
No intentions to stand shall be accepted from the floor of the meeting.

At the AGM, the business shall include but is not limited to:
i) Consideration of reports on the past year from all the officers of the club.
ii) Election of the officers of the club.
iii) Statements for the forthcoming year.
iv) Changes to the governing rules.
For voting purposes at Annual General Meetings, a quorum will exist if a minimum of 50% of the club membership is in attendance. This must include at least 50% of the officers.

7)Special meetings / Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM).
A special meeting / extraordinary general meeting may be called at any time by the chairman any two officers or 25% of the membership upon not less than ten days notice being given to the other members of the matters to be discussed, but if the matters include the appointment of an officer or a proposal to amend any of the trusts of this constitution or dissolve the club then upon not less than 21 days notice being so given. A special meeting may be called to take place immediately after or before a monthly meeting.
For voting purposes at Extraordinary General Meetings, a quorum will exist if a minimum of 25% of the club membership is in attendance.
Every matter at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting on the question. Postal votes The chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote whether they have or have not voted previously on the same question but no officer in any other circumstances shall give more than one vote.
At an AGM or EGM a quorum will be deemed to exist if a mimimum of 25% of the total membership are present.
9)General power to make regulations.
Within the limits of this constitution the officers shall have full power from time to time to make regulations for the management of the club and for the conduct of their business, including but not limited to:
• the calling of meetings;
• to deposit of money at a bank;
• to purchase, lease, hire or otherwise take possesion of facilities in order advance the objectives;
• the custody of documents.
A mimimum of two independent trustees shall be appoionted to oversee the financial management of the club.
They shall hold office until death, resignation or removal from office by resolution of the members.
The committee and trustees shall not be liable, other than as members, for any loss suffered by the club as a result of the discharge of their duties on its behalf unless such a loss arises due to their wilful default. They shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the club for reasonable expenses incurred in the discharge of the duties of their office.
The officers of the club shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the trusts laid down in this constitution and of any future amendments to the trust under clause 14 (amendment of constitution clause).
The decision of the officers upon such matters shall be final and binding not withstanding the right of any member to appeal a disciplinary matter (concerning them) or a grievance matter (concerning them) once on each matter and within 14 days of the committee’s original decision being made.
13)Not For Profit.
The Income and Property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club’s objects as set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to the Members of the Club.
14)Amendment of Constitution.
The club may amend the provisions of this constitution, provided that:
a) no amendment be made to clause 3 (the objectives clause) unless it appears to the committee that the objectices can no longer provide a suitable and effective method of using the club fund;
b) no amendment may be made which has the effect of the club ceasing to be a club at law.
Any amendment shall be made under the authority of a resolution passed at an AGM or EGM.
15)Dissolution of the group.
If the officers of the club decide that it is necessary or advisable that the club be dissolved a resolution must be passed at a special meeting called under clause 7 of this constitution. If the proposal to dissolve the club is confirmed by a two thirds majority of those members present and voting, the officers of the club shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the club.
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:
1. A registered charitable organisation(s).
2. Another Club which is a registered CASC.
3.The sports national governing body for use by them for related community sports.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands the day and year first before written
Signed as a constitution by the said:
Rachel Campbell
Vanessa Pilkington
Alison Caldwell
In the presence of:
Paul Stephenson
Name: Rachel Campbell
Club Secretary